รหัสวิชา : 388-412
ชื่อวิชา : การสร้างเสริมสุขภาพ 2

รหัสวิชา : 388-412    ชื่อวิชา : การสร้างเสริมสุขภาพ 2   HEALTH PROMOTION II
    ปีการศึกษา : 2558   ภาคการศึกษา : 1

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Developing health promotion programs2000Anspaugh DJ  ,Dignan MB  ,Anspaugh SL  Link
Health promotion throughout the lifespan1998 Edelman CL  ,Mandle CL  Link
Health promotion strategies methods1999 Egger G  ,Spark R  ,Lawson J  Link
Motivating health behavior1994 Elder JP  ,Geller ES  ,Hovell ME  ,Mayer JA  Link
Health promotion handbook1998 Gorin SS  ,Arnold J  Link
Evaluation health promotion: A health workers guide1998 Hawe P  ,Degeling D  ,Hall J  -
Managing health promotion: Developing healthy organizations and communities1995 Ina S  Link
Health promotion for all1995Pike S  ,Forster D  Link
Human behavior: An introduction for medical students1990Stoudemire A  Link
Health promotion throughout the lifespan1998Edelman CL  ,Mandle CL  Link
Power Participation and partnerships for health promotion1997 Labonte R  -
Development through life: a psychosocial approach1991 Newman BM  ,Newman PR  Link
Health promotion in Canada: Provincial national International perspectives1994 Pederson A  ,O&rsquo  ,Neill M  ,Rootman I  -
Managing health promotion: developing healthy organizations and communities1995Simnett INA  Link
Promoting health: the primary health care approach1994Wass A  Link
ปฏิรูประบบบริการสุขภาพไทย2542สงวน นิตยารัมภ์พงศ์  Link
ปฏิรูปสุขภาพ: ปฏิรูปชีวิต2546อำพล จินดาวัฒนะ  Link
Clinical Epidemiology The Essentials1996Health promotion in Cardio vascular Disease1  -
Health promotion strategies methods1999Egger G  ,Spark R  ,Lawson J  Link
Motivating health behavior1994Elder JP  ,Geller ES  ,Hovell ME  ,Mayer JA  Link
Health promotion handbook1998Gorin SS  ,Arnold J  Link
Evaluation health promotion: a health workers guide1998P Degeling D  ,Hall J  Link
Managing health promotion: developing healthy organizations and communities1995Ina S  Link
Power Participation and partnerships for health promotion1997Labonte R  -
Development through life: a psychosocial approach1991Newman BM  Link
Health promotion in Canada: provincial national International perspectives1994Pederson A  ,O rsquo  ,Neill M  ,Rootman I  -
Health promotion for all1995Pike S  ,Forster D  Link
Managing health promotion: developing healthy organizations and communities1995SimnettI NA  Link
Promoting health: the primary health care approach1994Wass A  Link
ปฏิรูประบบบริการสุขภาพไทย2542สงวน นิตยารัมภ์พงศ์  Link
ปฏิรูปสุขภาพ: ปฏิรูปชีวิต0อำพล จินดาวัฒนะ  Link
0Health promotion in Cardio vascular Disease1  -
Chapter 5 Risk in Clinical Epidemiology The Essentials1996Fletcher RH  ,Fletcher SW  ,Wagner EH  -
Coronary heart disease prevention: insights from modeling incremental cost effectiveness0Marshall T  -